Courses Written by Dr. Wm. J. Hurst
There are at least two courses that are like open book entrance exams, preparatory to taking courses at CGI or ISCL
Foundation 1 - Jesus The Chief Cornerstone
Foundation II - Building The Body of Christ
1. Abraham God Develops a Leader of Faith.
2. Moses A Leader Who Developed Leaders
3. Joshua God Develops a Warrior
4. Judges The Unveiling of The Evangelist
5. David Producing Men Pursuing the Heart of God,
(From the Shepherd to King at Hebron(Term One)
6. David Producing Men Pursuing the Heart of God,
(From King at Hebron to a Perfect Heart)(Term Two)
7. Solomon, Loved of the Lord
8. Job, Tried Without Cause but Not Without Reason
9. Restoration, The Heart of God
10. Prayer Strategies
11. The Tabernacle God's Perfect Pattern
12. Daniel, Becoming a Man to Whom God Reveals Secrets
13. The Harvest Feasts of God
14. Jesus, The Chief Apostle, Part 1 (Term One)
15. Jesus, The Chief Apostle, Part II (Term Two)
16. Jesus The Prophet like unto Moses
17. Jesus The Teacher Sent from God
i. The Teacher Sent from God
ii. The Man with Beautiful Feet
iii. The Chief Shepherd
18. Jesus, Son of Man, Son of God
19. Seeing Jesus As He Is - The Ultimate Revelation
20. Team Ministry,(How Paul Developed and Deployed Teams) (Term One)
21. Team Ministry,
(How Paul Oversaw Ministry Teams from Prison-Term Two)
22. The Voice of God
23. The Philosophy of Spiritual Counseling
24. The Anatomy of the Spirit of Man
25. The Anatomy of the Soul of Man (an overview of the soul)
26. The Anatomy of the Soul, Part 2, The Emotions, {being written}
27. Understanding Relationships Pertaining to Marriage.
28. Spiritual Parallel to the Natural Body,
The Structure and Basic Foundation (Term One)
29. Spiritual Parallel to the Natural Body,
The Head and Nervous System(Term Two)
30. Spiritual Parallels to the Natural Body,
The Organs {being written}
31. Mentoring, The High Price of Being a Leader
32. Divine Government
33. Ministering During Transition
34. Church History - a Prophetic Perspective
35. Panoramic Overviews to Maturity
36. Perspectives of The End Time
37. The Overview of the Book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ.
38. The Revelation of Jesus Christ(Revelation Chpt. 1)
39. The Revelation of Jesus Christ to the Seven Churches.(Chpts 2-3)
40. Revelation Around the Throne(Rev. Chpts 4-7)
41. Revelation, Hear The Sound of The Trumpets(Chpts 8-12)
42. Revelation, The Tribulation(Chpts 13-16)
43. Revelation, The Two Brides (Chpts 17-22)
44. Preparation of the Bride
(A study of the lives of Ruth, Esther, and The Shulamite){being written}
45. Consider Her Way, (a study of wisdom from the Ant.)
46. The Priesthood,
(Practical applications of O.T. Types to the Priesthood of the Believer.)
47. Solomon's Temple Unveiled (Part 1)
48. Solomon's Temple Unveiled (Part 2)
49. Hebrews, A Unique Look at The Book of Better Things.
50. Acts (part 1)
51. Acts (part 2)
52. New Testament Survey(Thy Kingdom Come)