Objective: To stimulate interest in the revelation God has given me.
To find those who desire teaching on growth and development as Christian workers and leaders.
Qualifications and Background: I have had 40 years of ministry experience; established as well as pastored churches; counseled
leaders; been used in restoration, and authored books. I have taught College level courses consistently for over 12 years.
After that, I established a College. Currently, over 50 College level courses are available dealing with Christian growth,
leadership, character, integrity and development. The following are some of the subjects covered:
1. Leadership
2. Counseling
3. Christian Growth
4. Character Studies
5. The Five Ministry Gifts in the Life of Christ
6. The Body of Christ
7. A Series on The Revelation of Jesus Christ
9. General Studies. example: The Voice of God
These courses are available for study by contacting me at the addresses given on this website.
Founder and President Christian Growth College (6/1/03-1/1/07)
As founding president of CGC I set up the school, developing all the systems necessary of administration and teaching.
I taught classes and supervised the other teachers. As the demand grew, I wrote new courses and developed schedules. The school
is currently being moved to where I now reside. It will be reopened as Christian Growth Institute, when all the proper documentation
with the government has been filed and accepted. It will start as a correspondence school granting ecclesiastical degrees.
Dean of Leadership at Canada Christian College Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
In the twelve years I taught at the college, I developed over 35 original courses to be used in the Leadership department.
There were some terms where I taught 3 courses a term.
At the same time a church was established that is still functioning today.
Founder and President of Kingdom Seed Ministries (1/1/83-1/1/01)
As founder and president of this ministry a church was started. From that point in time the influence of the ministry
began to spread and other groups, churches, and ministries joined with us in association to spread the teaching ministry and
join together in conferences, conventions and seminars.
The ministry continued for 20 years until I handed the reins over to another ministry, while I moved on into what God
opened to me at that time.